

The 14th Annual GPNDG
August 11-14, 2005
At Three Meadows Group Camp at Dworshak State Park, near Orofino, ID
N 46° 35.586'     W 116° 18.028'



(Taken directly from the reservation form we signed)

  1. All groups are responsible for cleaning prior to departure. Facilities must be left in the same condition as upon arrival. this includes the showers, toilets, sinks, floors, mirrors, cabins, lodge, kitchen area and equipment, as well as any/all areas that are used.

  2. Groups must pay all fees that are in effect at the time of use. All fees must be paid at the time of departure unless you have written approval to do otherwise.

  3. Groups will be held responsible for any damage or loss of camp equipment.

  4. Groups will be responsible for collecting all trash and litter and depositing it into the Freeman Creek dumpster.

  5. The park manager shall have the authority to restrict the use of any building, area, equipment, or facility when it is judged that such use may be detrimental to the health and safety of the user group, or to state property. This may include restricting the use of commercial kitchen appliances to qualified cooks only.

  6. Cooking and Cleaning Marerials: The park will provide cleaning detergents, brooms, mops, glass cleaner, trash bags, and grill bricks for the commercial ranges. Groups must bring dish washing detergent and any disposable items needed for cooking or cleaning.

  7. The group leader must advise camp staff immediately of any accidents occurring to any member of the group and of any damages to state property.

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